Articles - Kathy Varol

Purpose and Profit Articles

Purpose and Profit Articles


Chemistry is like magic

Chemistry is like magic. It’s the art of combining elements to create entirely new substances. Recently, on my podcast, I had the privilege of speaking with Dr. Staff Sheehan, co-founder and CTO of AIR COMPANY. He explained how his company is using captured carbon and water—with the aid of a …

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How to stop constantly chasing and start leading

Businesses often fall into the trap of constantly sizing themselves up against the competition. This can lead to a frantic chase, a kind of corporate whack-a-mole, where we’re always trying to bat down the other guy rather than nurturing what makes us distinctly us. If we’re always peering over the …

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The power of crafting your life soundtrack

When Lena Dunham mused that she was still defining herself by what she had lost, it struck a chord with me. It’s a familiar tune, isn’t it? We often script our stories with a focus on absence rather than abundance. This is a slippery slope. Because the truth is, the …

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Life lessons from an ebike tour

I was recently in Portugal to give a keynote for PepsiCo’s SodaStream division. After the conference, my husband and I spent some time in Douro Valley, Portugal’s Port and Wine country. Imagine this: a breathtaking tapestry of rolling vineyards and quaint villages. Eager to soak in the beauty of the …

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Finding Myself in Schrödinger’s Dilemma

Imagine a box. Inside the box is a cat that is alive. And dead. Both. At the same time. And the cat will remain both alive and dead until you take the lid off the box. It isn’t until you actually see the cat that it becomes alive or dead. …

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I’ve got a confession to make

I’ve got a confession to make—I struggled with the idea of bringing personal development coaching back into my business. I put it off for a year, continually kicking it down the road to a “later” date. Let me take you behind the scenes of my internal struggle—the battle between my …

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The day I stopped waiting for permission

The moment I decided to be the main character in my own life story was the moment everything changed. Imagine this: There’s a vision board pinned up inside your mind, glittering with all the aspirations you’re itching to reach—starting that side hustle, clinching that corner office, finally penning your first …

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Let’s Talk About Wanting More

“Sadly, my cynical view is that human nature will always dictate that we want MORE. And this is true for those on the top.” This was a comment in response to my blog post “Amazon, Tax Loopholes, and the Call for Responsible Business“. It’s a common refrain that I’ve found …

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The dark side of eternal optimism

I’m an eternal optimist. An expert at sucking up every ounce of joy in life. To be honest, I never considered there was a dark side to eternal optimism. Even the suggestion of a dark side seemed absurd. Afterall, isn’t everyone striving for the rose-colored glasses perspective? My change of …

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