Business failure or leadership failure?
If a company cannot provide its employees a living wage, then it’s a clear market indicator that company should not be in business. I do mean living wage. Not minimum wage or the lowest wage someone will accept, but a living wage which is defined as the minimum income necessary …
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What it would feel like to wake up every work day excited to go to work
What would it feel like to wake up every work day excited to go to work? When the sound of your alarm clock goes off, springing out of bed with the giddy excitement of a 10 year old at summer camp. The thrill of possibility rushing through your veins. The …
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Hitting pause on lobster
Lobster was not always a delicacy. There are American myths about dockhands striking over meals of lobster. Of prisoners declaring that being served lobster more than twice a week was cruel and unusual punishment. Today lobster is more a luxury for special occasions or fancy restaurants. But a luxury you …
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This common practice is toxic for your culture
“We’re having a party Saturday afternoon, want to come over?” I asked a friend. “I can’t,” she says, “I have to work all weekend.” The reason she can’t come is that she’s doing the job she got promoted to months ago, while still doing her previous job that the company …
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Climate Pledges Need A Science Based Reboot
“I also have a message to fossil fuel companies and their financial enablers. So-called ‘net-zero pledges’ that exclude core products and activities are poisoning our planet. They must thoroughly review their pledges and align them with this new guidance. Let’s tell it like it is. Using bogus ‘net-zero’ pledges to …
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Purpose beyond profit is good business
In 2005 Kraft closed its yogurt factory in Upstate New York. The result was devastating for the local community. This factory was one of many that had been closed in the region. The community felt that after giving their blood, sweat and tears, large companies abandoned them. The son of …
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The problem with catfishing
Catfishing means falsely representing yourself on dating apps. That picture from 20 years ago or 50 pounds ago. The filter that makes you unrecognizable even to your mother. Slightly exaggerating your height….by 6 inches. The reason someone falsely represents themself in the first place is because they don’t believe their …
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When strategy and execution eat breakfast together
Creating a successful business strategy (including a successful ESG strategy) requires articulating an inspiring vision, a discerning identification of priorities, a relentless focus once priorities are identified, and systems thinking in setting ambitious targets. This work requires the ability to seamlessly shift focus between the forest (vision) and the trees …
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Transitioning from carbon offsets to a zero emissions future
Low-fare air carriers made it possible for budget-conscious travelers to see more of the world more frequently, but at a not-so-hidden cost. Cheaper flights mean more people travel. More people traveling means more flights. More flights means more emissions. In 2018, worldwide aviation contributed almost 2.5% of the world’s total …
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Don’t fake it until you make it (here’s why)
“Fake it until you make it.” I used to love this phrase. The way it bolstered my confidence to try something I didn’t know how to do. It gave me permission to go after jobs I wasn’t 100% sure I could do with my eyes closed from day one. But …
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