Chuck Templeton on systems investing for a better future - Kathy Varol
chuck templeton
August 16, 2023   |   Episode #: 062

Chuck Templeton on systems investing for a better future

Show Notes:

Chuck Templeton is a Senior Managing Director at S2G Ventures, the direct investment team at Builders Vision—an impact platform providing philanthropy, investment, and advocacy tools to organizations that are building a more humane and healthy planet. S2G Ventures has 4 focus areas for investment: Clean Energy, Food & Agriculture, Oceans & Seafood, and Special Opportunities.

Once an entrepreneur himself, Chuck founded OpenTable. He is many things: an ultra-runner, a former Army Ranger, a father, a businessperson. Most importantly, he is a citizen of the world who is dedicating his expertise to build, fix, and support a healthy and sustainable ecosystem.

In this episode we discuss:
✅ The meaning of systems investing
✅ The importance of real market feedback on a minimal viable product (MVP)
✅ How to manage risk when investing in new technologies


Key takeaways (listen to the full episode for a lot more gems!):
1️⃣ The oceans and the air we breathe are shared worldwide. We either all have clean oceans and air, or no one does. When the oceans die and the air is toxic, all humans die. But food stability and access to clean water are not shared worldwide.

Food and water instability thrives among the world’s most vulnerable populations, not the ones setting regulations. That doesn’t mean rich nations are safe from future insecurity. Climate change is already impacting agriculture in once “safe” geographic environments. Once food and water insecurity hits the doorsteps of the most privileged, it will be too late for all of us.

But more importantly, we have a responsibility to look after each other. A responsibility to support our fellow humans who are experiencing food and water instability NOW. A responsibility to leave the planet better off for the next generation than we found it.

There are actions each of us can take now to support the transition to sustainable systems, and a healthy planet for future generations. Action can look like:

✅ Buying from food companies that use regenerative farming, sustainable fishing practices, and humane animal welfare
✅ Supporting companies that have switched to renewable energy (and switching your household to renewable energy too)
✅ Voting for more regulations around emissions
✅ Switching your financial investments out of harmful industries and into sustainable businesses

2️⃣ Chuck sets a great example for all of us. He assessed his skills, then found a way to use them in a capacity that gives him meaning, and that builds a better future for his kids (and everyone’s kids).

Consider how you can follow Chuck’s example and use your energy, skills, and time to support what’s important to you. How can you push your current company to be a better global citizen? If your company doesn’t light you up with meaning, consider finding a company that’s purpose aligns with what’s important to you. Or look into volunteering your skills to a non-profit whose mission you believe in.


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