The superpower I hid for 38 years—and what it cost me - Kathy Varol

The superpower I hid for 38 years—and what it cost me


For most of my life, I pretended I didn’t see you. I convinced myself it wasn’t my place to notice your sadness, your fear, your pain. From a young age, I learned that seeing too much could make people uncomfortable. Acknowledging what I saw—your vulnerability, your cracks—seemed to threaten the strength you wanted to project.

So, I ignored it.

I played pretend as I admired the walls you built while turning a blind eye to the cracks threatening to tear them down.

For 38 years, I hid my superpower. And in doing so, for 38 years I betrayed myself.

Pretending not to see left its mark on me. It created a block that took up valuable space within me—the very space I needed to expand, grow, and live fully. Here’s the thing: when you hide your true self, it doesn’t just affect one part of your life. It creeps into every corner—your behavior, your relationships, your passions, and your career.

For years, I thought I was protecting people by not “seeing” them too deeply. But the truth? I was trying to protect myself—from rejection, from being too much, from standing out. In the process, I denied my true gift: the ability to see deeply into others and help them see themselves.

We all have superpowers.

The unfortunate truth is that, early on, we’re often taught to hide them. Maybe you were told you’re too sensitive, too bold, too quiet, or too curious. Whatever it is, that part of you—the part you tucked away—could be your greatest strength.

And if you’re hiding it, you’re not just dimming your light. You’re robbing the world of what makes you unique. You’re denying yourself the opportunity to show up fully and be accepted for who you are—not just for fitting in, but for standing out.

So, I have to ask: Are you blocking your superpower?

Are you stopping yourself from showing up as the full, unfiltered you? It’s amazing what can happen when you reverse old patterns of pretending and build up the courage to be fully you.

Once I embraced my superpower, everything changed. My relationships changed. My career also changed. It’s my ability to see others deeply that makes me a great coach. I’ve had clients literally tell me, “You have a superpower.” That’s when I realized: if I had kept hiding this part of myself, I never would’ve been able to help others in the way that I do now.

Imagine for a moment what you could do if you embraced your superpower. What would your life look like?

Imagine using it every day in your career. What if your job allowed your inner spark to burn brighter each year, instead of dimming over time?

In Module 2 (Unlearning) of my 7-week online course The Career Shift: Turn Your Day Job Into a Dream Job you’ll learn strategies that will help you identify your inner blocks—so you can unlearn patterns of behavior that stop you from showing up in all your superpower glory.

That’s just one of 6 transformative modules in this online course packed with lessons that will help you uncover what truly drives you professionally, remove the limiting beliefs that have kept you stuck, and start walking a path to your dream job.

If you feel stuck, now is the perfect time to take action to get unstuck.

Your superpower is waiting for you. I hope you embrace it.

👉🏼 Register now —you won’t regret it. 🙌

About Kathy Varol

Kathy Varol is a sought-after speaker, Purpose Strategy Expert, and ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) consultant who has led workshops around the globe. Kathy built the global purpose strategy for adidas, a 22-billion dollar company. Now she shares her knowledge with audiences on how to embed a purpose into their company in order to transform their culture, their business, and the world.

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