How to stop constantly chasing and start leading - Kathy Varol

How to stop constantly chasing and start leading


Businesses often fall into the trap of constantly sizing themselves up against the competition. This can lead to a frantic chase, a kind of corporate whack-a-mole, where we’re always trying to bat down the other guy rather than nurturing what makes us distinctly us.

If we’re always peering over the fence, comparing our grass to the lush greenery next door, we might miss the opportunity to water our own yard. In business, this means you could spend all your time trying to outdo your competitors on their terms, running after every trend they chase, mimicking every move they make.

The truth is, if you’re constantly chasing you’ll never be leading.

Sure, keeping an eye on the competition is part of the game, but it’s not the only play.

What if, instead, we looked inwards?

What if we focused on our strengths, our unique offerings, and the core values that make our brand what it is? It’s about shifting our orientation from ‘comparison’ to ‘character.’ From ‘mimicry’ to ‘mastery.’ That’s where true growth happens—both in our personal lives and in our business strategies.

Think about it. When you anchor yourself in what you love, in the dreams that stir your soul, in the principles that stand as the bedrock of your being, you radiate authenticity. Instead of your energy, focus, and power being fragmented across the million whack-a-moles you’re frantically trying to stay on top of, you pull all that energy back into you. You become a gravitational magnet. You attract the like-minded, the like-hearted, those who resonate with your truth.

This isn’t just motivational speak—it’s a strategic cornerstone.

And in the bustling marketplace you shine like the sun. This approach attracts a solar system around you.

Instead of running helter-skelter after every little thing your competitor does (seriously, it’s exhausting, isn’t it?), you stand firm in your identity. You innovate from a place of confidence, not reactivity. Your offerings are the fruits of genuine insight, not hurried imitations.

Now, let’s get real—turning your sights inward isn’t a silver bullet that’ll slay all your market-share dragons. But it is a shield that protects the core of your brand identity from getting lost in the fray. It’s a compass that guides your strategies and aligns your actions with your mission.

There is true power when you shift your orientation from defining by deficit to defining by distinction. It’s the leap from feeling perennially behind to standing out front, leading the charge with your banner held high.


If you want help shifting the focus inward, identifying your core purpose, values, and how to align your strategy to your mission, you can reach out to me for advisory help.

About Kathy Varol

Kathy Varol is a sought-after speaker, Purpose Strategy Expert, and ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) consultant who has led workshops around the globe. Kathy built the global purpose strategy for adidas, a 22-billion dollar company. Now she shares her knowledge with audiences on how to embed a purpose into their company in order to transform their culture, their business, and the world.

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