Chemistry is like magic - Kathy Varol

Chemistry is like magic


Chemistry is like magic.

It’s the art of combining elements to create entirely new substances. Recently, on my podcast, I had the privilege of speaking with Dr. Staff Sheehan, co-founder and CTO of AIR COMPANY. He explained how his company is using captured carbon and water—with the aid of a catalyst—to produce products like vodka, perfume, and aviation fuel. What’s fascinating is that the same process can yield different products based solely on the catalyst used.

A catalyst is defined as substances that increase the rate of a chemical reaction without being consumed in the process. Or, as Staff explains it, “A catalyst is something that helps a chemical reaction go in the way you want it to go.”

In essence, a catalyst creates deliberate magic.

And in a similar vein, each of us holds the potential to be a magician.

Consider how we influence those around us. Our energy shapes meetings, events, and interactions. Our actions trigger responses. The frequencies we operate on ripple out, leaving an imprint around us wherever we go.

Yet, too often, we operate on autopilot, disconnected from our intentions. When we’re on autopilot, we aren’t present. We’re going through the motions, but our awareness is turned off. We aren’t being intentional about the power we’re wielding, or the impact we’re leaving.

When we don’t take the time to become grounded in our own intentions, we risk being swept up in the energetic wakes of others. In this state, our power becomes diffused and fragmented.

We get consumed in the process. And wonder why we feel burned out.

Think of your energy as a flame. Then let yourself become the magician of your flame.

A flame is precious because of its duality—vulnerable yet potent. It can be extinguished by a breeze or ignite something monumental. It can be the spark that burns down an entire house. The spark that destroys what once was, to make room for what could be.

To harness this power, we must be intentional about the reactions we wish to ignite. Intentionality acts as a gravitational force, anchoring us amidst the chaotic energies swirling around us.

In a world where energy often feels scattered, those who cultivate intentional gravity wield a force capable of shifting tides—one interaction at a time. One room at a time.

What tidal shift will you create?

About Kathy Varol

Kathy Varol is a sought-after speaker, Purpose Strategy Expert, and ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) consultant who has led workshops around the globe. Kathy built the global purpose strategy for adidas, a 22-billion dollar company. Now she shares her knowledge with audiences on how to embed a purpose into their company in order to transform their culture, their business, and the world.

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