The Career Shift: Turn Your Day Job Into a Dream Job - Kathy Varol

The Career Shift

Turn Your Day Job Into a Dream Job

Discover what fuels you, break free from what’s holding you back, and step into your dream career!

The Career Shift

Turn Your Day Job Into a Dream Job

Discover what fuels you, break free from what’s holding you back, and step into your dream career!

Hurry! Enrollment Closes Soon:

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“Here I am, four years later, where I own my own law firm! I’m more fulfilled than ever, and I actually look forward to working!”

— Kristen Nugent

You’re stuck, and you know it.

You’ve done everything right—built a career, climbed the ladder, checked the boxes—but somewhere along the way, that fire in your belly fizzled out. Now, it’s hard to shake the feeling that something’s missing. You dread Monday mornings, and you can’t help but wonder: Is this really it?

Wouldn’t you love to wake up every morning excited to get to work?
Wouldn’t you love to go to bed every evening satisfied with the day?

The truth is, you’re not alone. So many of us start out with dreams of meaningful work only to feel lost, uninspired, and drained by the daily grind.

I’ve been there.

Feeling stuck in my career, underutilized, and unseen in my potential.

I did all the things I “should” have done. I got an MBA from Georgetown University, graduating with honors. I diligently climbed the corporate ladder to a successful professional career. I managed a $250 million dollar budget, attended the ESPYs, kissed the Stanley Cup, sipped champagne at after-parties with celebrities, and created the global purpose strategy for a $22 billion dollar company.

I had jobs other people dream about at impossible to get into companies, like Microsoft, MillerCoors and adidas.

But it always felt like something was missing. Why was I not fulfilled? I’d think: Maybe the next promotion will change everything.

It never did.

Then I finally stopped doing what I “should” be doing, and started listening to what I wanted to be doing. I left my corporate career to create my dream career. Now I travel around the world giving keynotes on how to use business as a force for good, I host two successful podcasts, and I coach individuals —supporting them to live their most vibrant life.

With The Career Shift, I distilled everything I learned to help people just like you step into their dream career faster than I did. This could mean finding a new role within your company, finding a new organization, starting your own thing, or discovering how to show up with a different mindset.

Are you leaving your future up to chance?

You have two choices. Ignore the desire for something different, distract yourself with shiny objects and short-term projects that aren’t aligned with your purpose, and wait for something you’re “passionate” about to magically drop into your lap (spoiler alert: it won’t).

Or, you can choose to make this the day that you no longer silence your potential. You can reclaim your drive, gain clarity, and finally upgrade to a pinch-me-now career.

This 7-week online course uses my proven process to set you on a crystal clear path to shift your career from a day job that sucks your soul to your dream job that your future self will thank you for.

You’re the hero of your own story. It’s time to write the script you want.

This is your invitation to make a shift.

Kathy helped me recognize what I craved and chart my path forward.”

—Sam Zebian

Start every day feeling aligned, confident, and excited.

Yes, you can love your work and live your life with purpose — without feeling stuck, drained, or disconnected from what truly matters.

This could be you…

  • “I used to dread Mondays. Now, I look forward to them.”
  • “No more stress about feeling undervalued. I know my worth, and I communicate it with confidence.”
  • “I’m making bold moves in my career, and the fear of failure no longer holds me back.”
  • “My energy is off the charts because I’m working on things that actually excite me.”
  • “Instead of just going through the motions, I’m in control of my career — and it feels amazing.”
  • “I feel curious and inspired by new possibilities, instead of anxious and stuck.”
  • “My productivity has skyrocketed because I’m doing what brings me alive.”

…all in less time than it takes to continue to daydream about ‘what if’ — and with life-changing results.

“A fantastic investment in yourself. Nothing else I’ve ever done comes close.”

— Michael Hare

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to…



Rediscover Your Passion and Purpose:

No more dragging yourself through uninspiring days. You’ll uncover what truly lights you up, gain clarity on your career purpose, and create a roadmap to live it every day.


Confidently Communicate Your Value:

Forget feeling undervalued or overlooked. You’ll learn how to articulate your strengths and unique talents with confidence—whether you’re in an interview, a meeting, or networking for your next big opportunity.


Make Bold Career Moves Without Fear:

Tired of second-guessing yourself? Through actionable experiments, you’ll gain the courage to take decisive steps toward the career (and life) you truly want—without the fear of failure holding you back.


Say Goodbye To Burnout:

You’ll identify careers that aligns with your strengths, values, and passions, so work becomes a source of energy and excitement, not something that drains your soul.

Success Stories!

Just what I needed! Kathy helped me back plan and create a roadmap to turn the dream into an actionable plan. Highly recommend!”

—Brett Nord

If you are thinking about starting a new journey, then you must attend.

— Siddu Tummala

Kathy leads you down paths that you never knew existed.”

—Peter Baron

One of the greatest investments you can make.”

— Zuhair Syed

The Career Shift Curriculum:

Module 1:

Align – See the Sign-Posts Right Under Your Nose

Unlock the clues to what truly lights you up and what drains your energy, life force, and sparkle.

In This Module You’ll Discover:

  • How to track your energy like a pro and uncover the hidden activities that give you life—and the ones that steal your joy.
  • How to spot your “sneaky strengths”—the talents you’ve been undervaluing all along—and use them to your advantage.
  • The childhood passions you’ve forgotten and how they hold the key to your future career happiness.
  • The “blank canvas” approach for turning the life you have into the life you want.

Plus so much more!

Module 2:

Unlearning – Break Free from What’s Holding You Back

Shatter the beliefs that have kept you stuck and rewrite the script of your life. After all, before you can step into your Dream Job, you need to believe you deserve it. 

In This Module You’ll Discover:

  • The 4-question method to dismantle your most stubborn limiting beliefs and free yourself from mental barriers.
  • How to rewrite your fear story into one of courage and action, so you can stop holding yourself back.
  • How to spot self-sabotaging patterns in your everyday thoughts—and flipping them on their head.
  • How to visualize your ideal, future self—then start showing up as that version of you today.
  • How to identify your career non-negotiables and stop compromising on the things that matter most.

Plus so much more!

Module 3:

Clarify – Discover Your Career Sweet Spot

Get crystal clear on the career that brings together your passions, talents, and purpose.

In This Module You’ll Discover:

  • A powerful framework to pinpoint your career sweet spot—where what you love, what you’re good at, and what the world needs intersect.
  • How to use the dream career exercise to map out the future you’ve always wanted, no matter the obstacles.
  • The secret to identifying dream organizations you may not have considered, where your talents can shine.
  • How to write your perfect job description—even if it doesn’t exist yet—and position yourself to step into it.

Plus so much more!

Module 4:

Reposition – Master the Art of Communicating Your Value

Learn how to clearly and confidently articulate your unique value to the world. This is a crucial step to attaining your dream job. 

In This Module You’ll Discover:

  • The process of breaking down your strengths into their most impactful components, showing you how to stand out in any industry.
  • The surprise exercise that will give you eye-opening insights into your true value.
  • How to craft a personal brand statement so compelling it opens doors and makes you unforgettable.
  • The secret to role-playing your value so that every conversation, interview, and pitch leaves a lasting impression.
  • A simple formula for writing a powerful cover letter that communicates how you’re the perfect fit for your dream organization.

Plus so much more!

Module 5:

Identify – Explore Exciting New Career Pivots

Discover the endless possibilities waiting for you and make bold moves toward your dream career.

In This Module You’ll Discover:

  • Discover and define new opportunities that meet your sweet spot.
  • New ways of looking at where your skills are in high demand.
  • The first step to test new industries and companies before making a move.
  • How to create a one-page pitch that instantly aligns you with mission-driven organizations looking for your exact talents.
  • The 5-minute habit to virtually guarantee high-performance.

Plus so much more!

Module 6:

Experiment Lab – Develop Potential Low-Stakes Experiments & Start DOING

Move from thinking to doing by designing real-world, low-stakes experiments to test your career ideas. Here you’ll take action, launch your first experiment, and step into the career you were meant for.

In This Module You’ll Discover:

  • How to create real-world experiments that are low-stakes but high-impact, giving you clarity and confidence in your next steps.
  • The rapid-fire experiment challenge that pushes you to stop overthinking and start doing.
  • How to track your progress like a scientist, collecting real data on what sparks joy and where your strengths truly shine.
  • The “White Space Rule” that ensures you have free time to dedicate to your career shift every single day.
  • The power of celebrating small wins to build momentum and resilience.

Plus so much more!

A transformative experience.”

—Bruce Chane

Choose The Career Shift Plan That’s Right For You

Registration closes on October 8, at 5 pm Pacific / 8 pm Eastern

Most Flexible


Choose 2 Easy Payments

Get the Career Shift

Most Popular 🔥

$480 USD ($70 off!)

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100% Money-Back Guarantee!

The Career Shift comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you decide that the course didn’t deliver on its promise despite your best efforts, contact our support team at and let us know you’d like a refund within 10 days after the first module is released.

To be eligible for the refund, you must complete all the exercises provided during the first 10 days of the course and submit proof that you finished them.

The reason for this policy is simple: The course works only if you show up and do your part. If you don’t do your part and submit your completed coursework within that 10-day period, no refund will be issued.

Let’s Sum It Up!

Here’s everything you’ll get with The Career Shift:

A 7-Week Online Course: That will enable you to turn your day job into a dream job. New content drops every Monday, starting Oct 14! Course includes:

  • 6 Transformative Modules: From Getting Clarity On What Feeds Your Soul To DOING (Starting The Path To Your Dream Job!). 
  • Weekly Shift Sheets: Tailored to carry you through each module, enable you to dive deep to see what you truly want, and start paving a path to get there.

($2,794 value)

Free! 6 Group Coaching Calls with Kathy: Join me and your fellow Shifters every week,  LIVE for 6 hour-long group coaching calls where I’ll answer your specific questions, give you personalized guidance, and help you stay on track to your dream career. (An hour coaching session with me is $250—these calls, with the magic of the change happening simultaneously with your fellow Shifters, are priceless.)

($1,500 value)

Private Shifter Community: Join a thriving community of ambitious professionals who, like you, are transforming their careers. This is where you can share breakthroughs, challenges, and get support from like-minded individuals who “get it.”

($1,997 value)

Flexible Access: While the modules will drop weekly, you can go at your own pace from anywhere with an internet signal. Revisit the modules, recorded group coaching calls, and additional content whenever you need a refresher for a full 6 months after the last module drops—because your journey doesn’t end when the course does.

($345 value)

A Clear Path Forward: You’ll come away with concrete actions to start making changes right away, including real-world experiments to test new career possibilities.



Your Investment: Only $480

Imagine This

In just 7-weeks, you could be in a completely different headspace—one where you feel excited, energized, and more aligned with your true purpose.

You could have a clear resolution about what you want from your career and already be walking down the path to get there.

Don’t let another year slip by with that nagging “what if.”

Imagine This

Before American Thanksgiving (the end of November), you could be in a completely different headspace—one where you feel excited, energized, and more aligned with your true purpose.

You can step into 2025 with a clear resolution about what you want from your career and already be walking down the path to get there.

Don’t let another year slip by with that nagging “what if.”

Get The Career Shift

Program Timing:

Start Date: Monday, October 14 is when the first module drops! 

A new module drops each Monday. Calls are each week, starting on week 2—so you have time to go through Module 1 before the first call. 

Once you register, you’ll get access to the course platform and calendar invites for the pre-scheduled group coaching calls.

End Date: The last module will drop on Monday, November 18, and the last call is on Monday, November 25.

Flexibility! Remember, you’ll have access to all the modules, recorded coaching calls, and additional content for a full 6 months after the last module drops. If life throws you some unexpected curveballs, you’ll still have access to everything until June 20, 2025!

Course Timeline

Date Time Event
October 14 Module 1
October 21 11:00 AM PST Module 2 / Coaching Call 1
October 28 11:00 AM PST Module 3 / Coaching Call 2
November 4 11:00 AM PST Module 4 / Coaching Call 3
November 11 11:00 AM PST Module 5 / Coaching Call 4
November 18 11:00 AM PST Module 6 / Coaching Call 5
November 25 11:00 AM PST Coaching Call 6

If you’re in a time zone that doesn’t work for the weekly calls, or you have a work schedule that isn’t flexible—don’t sweat it! 😅 

I got you! 💥

You can submit questions to me before the calls, and the call recordings will be posted within 24-hours, so you can tune in at any time that works for your schedule. 🥳

Who The Career Shift Is For… and Not For

WARNING: The Career Shift Is NOT for You If You…

⛝ Prefer staying stuck rather than taking bold steps to change your career and life.

⛝ Can’t handle real talk—if hearing straight-up language like “stop playing small” or “ditch the excuses” makes you uncomfortable, we kindly suggest this isn’t the course for you.

⛝ Are unwilling to take responsibility for your own career choices, mindset, and actions.

⛝ Refuse to believe that you have the power to transform your work and life.

⛝ Aren’t open to trying new strategies because your situation is “different” and no one could possibly understand.

⛝ If you can only learn from people whose life circumstances exactly match your own, this isn’t the space for you. The Career Shift is a diverse and dynamic community, with a steadfast belief that growth comes from embracing different perspectives.

The Career Shift IS For…

  • Professionals who feel stuck, unfulfilled, or uninspired in their current career but know there’s something bigger waiting for them.
  • Ambitious individuals ready to discover their passions, align their strengths, and turn their day job into something they love.
  • People who are done with just surviving the workweek and are ready to thrive—feeling energized, purposeful, and excited about their future.
  • Growth-minded, independent thinkers who are not willing to let this one precious life go by only half-lived.
  • People who know it’s hard to have a meaningful life if you don’t find meaning in your career.
  • If you’re ready to break free from the monotony, rediscover your passion, and build a career that fuels your soul, The Career Shift was made for you.

Choose The Career Shift Plan That’s Right For You

Registration closes on October 8, at 5 pm Pacific / 8 pm Eastern

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Choose 2 Easy Payments

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Most Popular 🔥

$480 USD ($70 off!)

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Get the Career Shift

What is Your Career Happiness Worth to You?

A client once told me she’d give anything to wake up excited about work again, to feel like her career had meaning. That’s how much her happiness was worth to her. Now, imagine what your career transformation could be worth to you.


  • Turned your day job into one that excites and energizes you every single day.
  • Pivoted into a career that aligns with your passion and values, without sacrificing financial stability.
  • Given yourself the career you’ve always dreamed of.

What would that transformation be worth: $10,000… $25,000… $50,000 or more?

Here’s the thing: Membership to my mastermind costs $20,000, and a 30-minute keynote from me starts at $20,000. The Career Shift Course includes 6 transformative modules with 6 live, hour-long group coaching calls—directly with me—for just $480.

That’s just $67 per week of the course. 

That’s less than a pumpkin spice latte and a muffin from Starbucks per day of the program.

While pumpkin spice may satisfy your taste buds, this course has the power to change the trajectory of your entire career—and how you feel every single day you show up to work.

Your time is the most precious asset you have. You can’t get it back. The Career Shift will show you how to invest it wisely, to experience the fulfillment, freedom, and energy you’ve been searching for in your career.

Why Now?

It’s easy to put things off until later, thinking that later you’ll have more time. Later you’ll have a better idea of what you want. Later, things will be easier. 

But the truth is, people who wait around for later, often never get started. 

They stay stuck in the same place, still wondering “what if?”.

Do you want to be in the same place next year, or five years from now, still wondering, “what if”? Feeling even more strongly you should have started earlier? Feeling that you’re too far down this path to ever make a change?

The longer you stay in a job that drains you, the harder it becomes to rediscover that spark. 

Now is the time to create a shift into your dream job. 

Don’t wait—take the leap.

Join a group of fellow Shifters all committed to turning their day job into a dream job.

Now is the time to create a shift into your dream job.

Don’t wait—take the leap.

Join a group of fellow Shifters all committed to turning their day job into a dream job.

Choose The Career Shift Plan That’s Right For You

Registration closes on October 8, at 5 pm Pacific / 8 pm Eastern

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Choose 2 Easy Payments

Get the Career Shift

Most Popular 🔥

$480 USD ($70 off!)

Choose One Payment

Get the Career Shift

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